It is a story we all know. Jesus (Jim Caviezel) is pinned to a cross for all the wrong reasons and put to death. The story that turned Jesus into who he was and changed the world. This film from 2004 really had many unexpected things in it frankly.
The Passion of the Christ is directed by Mel Gibson. I guess his first decision was who was going to be cast as Jesus and he chose Jim Caviezel? I liked Caviezel in other movies but here there isn't much to him actually. Maia Morgenstern is cast as Mary and seems too young for the character and badly casted. Rosalinda Celentano plays a Satan character that is really not developed. Frankly, I think this is a film that needs more characters overall.
The actual story is interesting in that it brings out many emotions, both good and bad and is very inspirational but this is not conveyed very well in this film. One big problem with the story is that there is very little background given. I think it needed more information on Jesus, his friends and family and what Jesus did leading up to this. A film that also needs more dialogue to make it more convincing and inspiring. There are also many scenes that carry on too long and are more graphic than necessary for a story like this. The ending also should also have been more of a celebration than what it is.
There are some good things in the film and these would include the settings, costume design, the design of the cross and the weapons depicted. The problem here is these things should not be the highlights of the movie.
All this said, I do some give credit to Mel Gibson. This is daring filmmaking because of intense feelings surrounding Christianity and this story, there will surely be a strong reaction to it and there was. It is no doubt hard to tell this story.
The Passion of the Christ is what I call an "it is what it is" type of film. It is just there. The film that didn't have much of an effect on me and is something that I wouldn't watch again.