In the 1993 movie, Sleepless in Seattle, Sam Baldwin (Tom Hanks) is a single and widowed father in Seattle who is trying to raise his only son Jonah (Ross Malinger) by himself. Jonah calls into a late night radio program asking for a mother. Annie Reed (Meg Ryan) all the way in New York City and lonely herself takes an interest in the story and she falls for Sam without ever seeing him. A love story forms on fate and some rather ridiculous antics.
I have liked Tom Hanks for years and I have always wished Meg Ryan's career had panned out better for her. You can't say this duo does not have chemistry because they really do while Ross Malinger as Jonah fits into the mix perfectly and the story the film tells is very original. Still though, the likelihood of this story actually happening is very far fetched. Seattle and New York are such a long distance apart and it is filled with a predictable ending involving an airplane that wouldn't work now because of 9/11. Bill Pullman and Rosie O'Donnell are the leaders of the supporting cast and the mixture is frankly beyond uneven.
Now a week after it's 21th anniversary release week, Sleepless in Seattle is surely a very loved film. This film is one I can see living on for awhile and of course it is a classic for the ladies. Maybe it's the boy in me but I find Sleepless in Seattle to be a flawed piece more than anything. I think it is an overrated and somewhat underwhelming romantic flick.