The only thing that really works is the acting. Renee Zellweger and supporting character actor Brad Cooper both are excellent and make a good team. Jodelle Ferland is creepy as Lillith but she is also a pretty dry and dull character and it is very hard to like her at times.
The main problem with the film is that it doesn't go anywhere. It is almost the same thing in every act and it also has a bad ending. The ending at first looks like it is going to be worthwhile and turn out to be something but it really doesn't do much and is uninteresting and is not right way to close this film.
Aside from the cast, the killing scenes are the other highlight of this movie. They are original and put together well but like a lot of films, there is not enough explanation as to why they occur. The computer generated imagery here also appears a little sub-par.
Case 39 is a really flat horror movie that has something to it but just does not develop the ideas or tell the story very well. I cannot recommend this movie; not even for a rainy night.
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